Brazilian Broadcasting is in mourning, Silvio Santos passed away.

Brazilian Broadcasting is in mourning. Silvio Santos, prestigious TV host and founder of SBT, passed away.

Silvio Santos (Photo: Wikipedia)

On the occasion of his sad departure, the President of IAB subscribed the following Note of Condolence.

The International Association of Broadcasting (IAB) expresses its dedeepst regret for the death of Brazilian businessman and communicator Silvio Santos, on Saturday (17) in São Paulo (SP).

One of the biggest names in Brazilian television, Silvio Santos worked for the country's main broadcasting TV organizations until he founded SBT, where he went through a beautiful business journey, consolidating one of the largest stations in Brazil and the region, always believing in over-the-air, free, no charge and private television as a great means of communication.

For more than 60 years, Silvio Santos brought joy to Sunday afternoons, leaving a huge gap in Brazilian entertainment. 

At this time of mourning, IAB expresses its solidarity with his family, SBT colleagues, friends and coworkers.

Paulo Tonet Camargo