ESAL - ASDER, The Salvadoran Locution School, celebrated its eighteenth graduation

The Slavadoran Locution School – (Escuela Salvadoreña de Locución ESAL – ASDER) celebrated its eighteenth graduation and diploma ceremony for radio and television locution trainees.

The graduation ceremony was attended by the highest authorities of ASDER and special guests.

The ESAL is a project carried out by ASDER, which was presented to the Board of Directors of the International Association of Broadcasting in Washington D.C., where it received unanimous recognition and support.

Mr Mario Pacheco, Director of ESAL, gave a detailed presentation to the IAB Board on the various theoretical and practical subjects included in the course, as well as its academic level. In this way, a comprehensive training of professional broadcasters with a high level of training and ethical values is achieved, enabling them to carry out their work in radio and television stations at the Inter-American level, as well as in digital platforms and media.

IAB Board of Directors congratulated the ASDER colleagues for their excellent work and expressed its appreciation for the quality of this training institute.