VENEZUELA: Barbarie y Violación sistemática de la Libertad de Expresión y los Derechos Humanos

The International Association of Broadcasters (IAB), which represents more than 17,000 radio and television stations in the Americas, reiterates its strongest condemnation and rejection of the ongoing repression of freedom of expression and human rights in Venezuela.

After the recent and questionable elections, the government of Nicolás Maduro has intensified the persecution and pressure on the media and the arbitrary detention of journalists, accused of the crime of "terrorism and incitement to hatred" without due process and the guarantees required by the Constitution and laws in Venezuela.

The regime of Nicolás Maduro has banned the use of the social network X, the instant messaging application 'Signal' and has ordered the main internet service providers in Venezuela to block the media, human rights organisations and internet domains that report on the situation and the protests in the country, in order to hide the atrocities being committed by the regime.

IAB stands in solidarity with journalists and independent media in Venezuela; it calls on the Maduro regime, the military and police authorities, as well as public institutions, to respect the constitution and human rights enshrined in international treaties signed and in force in Venezuela.

IAB calls on the international community to condemn in the strongest possible terms the barbarity being suffered in Venezuela and to open the way for the return of peace and democracy to that country as soon as possible.